A crash related to an internal Android race condition experienced on some devices has been resolved.
A crash related to an internal Android race condition experienced on some devices has been resolved.
Volume changes are now once again instantaneous.
Airfoil Satellite now more reliably finds Airfoil running on the local network on Android 12 and up.
A layout issue where playback controls could be lost behind other controls has been fixed.
Assorted accessibility improvements have been made throughout the app.
Assorted modernizations have made to Airfoil Satellite for Android’s backend, including targeting Android 13.
A Revamped Design
Airfoil Satellite's design has been updated and modernized.
Support for Multiple Airfoil Instances
When multiple Airfoil instancs are present on the network, it's now possible to specify to which Airfoil Satellite connects for remote control.
Password-Protected Speakers
A new preference makes it possible to password protect your Android device's output, preventing undesired access and playback.
Notification Center Improvements
A “Now Playing” notification has been added, to display album art and other information about the currently playing track when available.
A New “Keep Screen Awake” Preference
The new “Keep Screen Awake” preference makes it possible to continue displaying information about what's currently playing, rather than having the phone shut off its screen.
Improved Networking Reliability
Substantial work has been done on the backend to make Bonjour work better, resulting in devices connecting back to Airfoil more reliably than ever.
The new “Hide Meters” preference makes it possible to turn off meters on the “Now Playing” screen.
The playback controls on the “Now Playing” screen now provide visual feedback, in the form of a progress spinner for when the action will take effect.
Improvements have been made to the remote message parser, to better handle issues like multibyte unicode characters in speaker names and flaky network connections.
The network and audio service now runs in the foreground, which prevents certain devices from incorrectly killing the app while it's receiving audio, but not visible.
Airfoil Satellite 3.0 is a major update, featuring many additional enhancements. Best of all, it's still free to use alongside Airfoil!
This update brings full support for Android 9 (Pie).
Improvements have been made to the visuals used when machine artwork is received from Airfoil.
Several improvements have been made to the Source selector.
The target size of the volume slider knobs has been increased, to improve ease of use.
Compatibility with devices such as Blackberry's KeyONE has been improved.
Many other small changes and improvements have been made.
Logging has been updated and improved, to assist with troubleshooting.
Airfoil Satellite is here! It's a completely redesigned replacement for the previous “Airfoil Speakers for Android”, offering a modern UI, full support for modern Android devices (running Android 6 and up), and more to come!
This is the initial release of Airfoil Satellite for Android.
Several rare but bothersome crashing bugs have been fixed.
Airfoil Speakers for Android will no longer crash if the mdns subsystem fails to come online right away.
Airfoil Speakers for Android now fully supports the newest Android devices.
It's now possible to turn off meters by tapping to cycle through colors.
The default meter color is now blue.
The About screen has been updated and improved. Everyone likes that, right?
Bonjour metadata updates have been made for future compatibility.
Some rare crashes have been fixed, and general stability improvements have been made.
Despite the above making it far less necessary, automatic crash log handling is now included.
Initial public release
Beta release #2 (Weblog only)
Beta release #1 (Weblog only)