What's New in SoundSource 5

With SoundSource 5, audio control on the Mac is more refined than ever. Per-application audio control has been streamlined, and applying effects to any app is now more powerful than ever. Of course, access to audio device settings is as convenient as ever.
Read this page for details on what's new in the latest version. If you own a license for SoundSource 4, you're eligible for a discounted upgrade to SoundSource 5.
Major Updates in SoundSource 5

A Refined Interface
To start, you'll notice that SoundSource's menu bar icon now always shows your Mac's volume level, as well as indicating when sound is entirely muted.
Next, the main window has slimmed down, while still providing all the controls and info you need. And the new Compact view saves even more screen space, while still offering access to all the essentials.
From subtle animations and artwork enhancements, to support for matching the system accent color, there's much more to see. The new interface is truly a sight to behold.

Automatic App Handling
With version 5, you no longer need to manually manage the applications SoundSource controls. Instead, everything is handled automatically. When an app produces audio, SoundSource will add it to its list, ready for you to make your desired adjustments.
Of course, SoundSource also keeps this list tidy. It removes apps when they stop producing audio, while also storing your desired adjustments for the future.
If you want to make sure an application is in the list even when it's not producing audio, you can still do that as well. Just click the “Favorites” star to ensure the app is shown even when it's not producing audio.

Effects Improvements
If you use SoundSource to apply audio effects, you'll really appreciate the enhancements we've made in version 5. Beginners will appreciate our upgraded built-in effects, with the new Magic Boost 2 as well as an easier to use 10-band equalizer. If you listen with headphones, the new Headphone EQ effect is for you. And audiophiles will love the ability to quickly search installed Audio Units, as well as the support for the newest Audio Unit v3 specification.
With the new pinnable effects, controls are easily accessed no matter what you're doing. Pin an effect to have it float above everything on your Mac, so you can adjust it instantly.
With version 5, the things you loved about SoundSource have been polished to perfection, and there are plenty of great new additions as well.
Additional New Features in SoundSource 5
Compact View
The optional new Compact view minimizes SoundSource's screen space usage, while still giving you full access to all controls.
Volume Level At A Glance
SoundSource's menu bar icon now always provides a volume indicator. See your output volume level at a glance.
Shortcuts Support
On MacOS 12 (Monterey) and up, integrate SoundSource with workflows you run in the Shortcuts app.
Input Source Meters
Turn on the “Default Input Device” menu bar meter to see when your microphone is in use. Even better, this meter acts as a very handy mute control.
Active App Meters
When you turn on menu bar meters for “Active Applications”, you'll be able to see any and all applications producing audio at a glance.
Menu Bar Mute Controls
When you have menu bar meters turned on, a single click can mute your microphone, output device, or any application that's currently producing audio.
Magic Boost 2
The new Magic Boost 2 does even more to provide rich, full sound from even the tiniest speakers.
Headphone Enhancement
Using headphones with your Mac? The new Headphone EQ effect, powered by AutoEq, is custom-tuned to get the very best sound from thousands of different models of headphones.
10-Band Equalizer Updates
Our great-sounding EQ has been simplified for easy adjustments. Advanced controls are still available, and can be pinned for adjustment from anywhere.
Searchable Audio Units
Users with long lists of Audio Units installed will love the new search field. It's a snap to find the desired effect.
Audio Unit v3 Support
SoundSource now supports the newest Audio Unit plugins, made with the Audio Unit v3 API.
Audio Unit Presets
SoundSource now reads and writes standard Audio Unit presets, allowing presets to be shared across apps.
Pinnable Audio Units
Audio Unit effects can now be pinned, to make them float above everything on your Mac for instant adjustment.
Effect Nicknames
Give effects custom names. Edit the title of each effect and you’ll always know exactly what’s what.

Upgrade to SoundSource 5 Now!
Download the free trial of SoundSource 5 to check out everything that's new. When you’re ready, click below to purchase your discounted upgrade to SoundSource 5!
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