Keyboard Controls

For lightning-fast playback, Farrago provides extensive keyboard control. This page provides an overview of keyboard controls available in Farrago.

Global Keyboard Shortcut

With up to 80 different keyboard shortcuts available to play audio from the foreground set, providing global access to all tiles isn’t viable. Instead, we provide an option to set a global keyboard shortcut which instantly pulls Farrago's main window forward, after which you can use the in-app shortcuts.

Show Farrago

Configure this global hotkey in Farrago's Settings window. For example, you might press “Option-Shift-F” to pull Farrago forward, then press “A” to play a sound in the selected set. This two-step process is tremendously quick, and allows for easy playback of dozens of different sounds.

Fast Switching Between Sets

The first nine sets in your Sets list are always immediately accessible using the Cmd-1 through Cmd-9 keyboard shortcuts. Sort your sets to put the most important ones first, then use these shortcuts to rapidly jump between them.

Useful Playback Shortcuts

The following are some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts related specifically to playback.

Play Selection/Play Queued Tile (Return): When using a set in Grid mode, the Return key triggers Play Selection, causing any selected sounds to be played. Select multiple tiles by clicking while holding the Command key, or by clicking in empty space between tiles and then dragging. Once multiple tiles are selected, press Return to fire them simultaneously.

When using a set in List mode with the Playback Mode set to Queued, the Return key triggers Play Queued Tile.

Pause All (Space bar): The Space bar triggers Pause All, immediately pausing all audio playback. Note that the Pause All command applies to all audio playing in Farrago, even if the tile is normally not set to pause its playback. If no playback is occurring but tiles are paused, Space bar switches to an Unpause All command.

Stop All (Escape): Pressing and holding the escape key for 300 milliseconds (3/10 of a second) triggers Stop All, stopping all audio. Use this to rapidly stop audio playback.

To immediately Stop All playback and reset all tiles, press Command-Escape.

Fade Out All (- (Dash)): The “-” key triggers Fade Out All, immediately fading out all audio playback in Farrago over a fixed 2 seconds. Use this to stop audio playback more gently.

Playback Modifiers

To adjust how playback occurs, Farrago offers several modifiers.

Solo (Option+Control): To stop playback of all other tiles when starting a new tile’s playback, hold down the Option and Control key while pressing the tile’s keyboard shortcut or clicking to activate the tile. This is effectively the same as having the “Solo” option enabled temporarily on the tile whose playback is about to begin.

For a slightly more subtle effect, the Shift key can be added to Option+Control. This will result in previously playing tiles fading to a stop, while the new tile gains “Solo” status.

Preview (Shift): A selected tile can be previewed by holding down the Shift key while beginning playback anywhere in Farrago. The audio will then be played through the Preview output device, set in Farrago's Settings window.

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