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Piezo makes it easy to record audio from voice chat (or VoIP) applications, like Skype and FaceTime. Read this article for full details.
Piezo works to automatically capture all portions of audio from recognized voice chat applications. Voice chat recordings will contain both halves of your conversation, with your local audio saved on the left channel of the recordings, while the audio from the remote party is saved to the right channel.
While Piezo makes it easy to record both halves of a voice chat, it does not offer advanced configuration options. For more power and customization with your voice chat recordings, check out Audio Hijack.
With the Advanced settings in Audio Hijack's Application Source blocks, you can optionally mix the audio to both channels, or turn off your local audio so the recording contains only the remote audio. Beyond that, Audio Hijack makes it possible to record web-based voice chats such as Google Hangouts, or a copy of podcast chat apps like Riverside and Zencastr.
Read more details on using Audio Hijack to record voice chats in this article.