
SoundSource’s Permissions window can be accessed from the SoundSource menu. This window lists permissions which allow SoundSource to run optimally.

SoundSource’s Permissions window

Accessibility Access (Optional)

In order for the Super Volume Keys feature to work, SoundSource must have Accessibility access.

When Accessibility access has not yet been granted, the Audio tab of SoundSource’s Settings window will show this notice:

Click the Enable button to open the Permissions window, then click the Enable window in Accessibility Access section. You’ll see a brief explanatory dialog:

Follow these instructions to enable Accessibility access for SoundSource, after which Super Volume Keys will be activated.

For more information on Super Volume Keys, please see this article.

Bluetooth Access (Optional, MacOS 14+)

On MacOS 14 (Sonoma) and higher, you’ll need to enable Bluetooth access for SoundSource to provide the optimal experience with Bluetooth audio devices and your Mac. This includes the ability to connect to devices from within a device selector, as well as accessing features such as battery status.

When Bluetooth access has not yet been granted, SoundSource’s device selectors will show this note:

Select the Enable Bluetooth access to see Bluetooth devices… option, then click the Enable button in the Bluetooth Access section. You’ll then see this prompt:

Click OK to enable Bluetooth access for SoundSource, and you’ll be all set.

Relaunching To Provide Bluetooth Access

If you’ve previously denied SoundSource permission to access Bluetooth, you’ll see the following dialog when you try to enable the permission.

Click Relaunch SoundSource, then grant permission when the application relaunches.

Settings (née Preferences)Purchasing